Author Guidelines

1. Article Types

Authors may submit manuscripts in the following categories:

  • Original Article

  • Short Communication

  • Review Article

2. Manuscript Formatting

  • Use A4-sized paper with 25 mm margins on all sides.

  • All text should be double-spaced (2.0 spacing) with 0 pt spacing before and after paragraphs.

  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified.

  • Sections should be separated by a single blank line.

3. Manuscript Structure

Title Page

  • Title: Lowercase letters except for the first letter; Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, left-aligned.

  • Running Title: Maximum 8 words/phrases.

  • Authors’ Names & Affiliations: Include full names, institutional affiliations, city, postal code, and country.

  • Corresponding Author: Provide email and cell phone number (with country code).

  • ORCID (if available): Provide ORCID links for all authors.

Abstract & Keywords

  • Abstract: Maximum 250 words, single paragraph, no references, tables, or figures.

  • Keywords: 3–6 keywords, distinct from the title for better indexing.

Main Sections

  1. Introduction: Background, significance, research problem, and objectives.

  2. Materials and Methods:

    • Provide sufficient details for reproducibility.

    • Mention ethical approvals, if applicable.

    • Include statistical models and data analysis methods.

  3. Results and Discussion:

    • Results can be combined or separated from the discussion.

    • Avoid repeating numerical values already presented in tables/figures.

  4. Conclusion:

    • Concise summary addressing the study’s objectives.

  5. Conflict of Interest:

    • Declare any financial, personal, or professional affiliations.

    • If none, state: “The authors declare no conflict of interest.”

  6. Acknowledgments:

    • Recognize individuals or organizations that contributed but do not qualify for authorship.

  7. References:

    • Alphabetical order, Animal Production Science citation style.

    • Include DOIs where available.

    • Use Mendeley or similar software for reference management.

4. Tables and Figures

  • Tables:

    • Insert tables within the text, titled above the table.

    • Use Word’s table feature, not images or objects.

  • Figures:

    • Place figure captions below the figures.

    • Submit figures in high-resolution formats (JPEG, PNG, TIFF).

5. Citation Style

  • Use the name-year citation format, e.g., (Oxelcen et al., 2021) or (White and Feitoza, 2022).

  • Follow Animal Production Science citation guidelines.

6. Submission Process

  • Submit manuscripts electronically in Word format.

  • Ensure all authors approve the final version before submission.

  • Check that all references are correctly cited and formatted.

For additional details, authors may refer to the official journal submission guidelines.