Author Guidelines
1. Article Types
Authors may submit manuscripts in the following categories:
Original Article
Short Communication
Review Article
2. Manuscript Formatting
Use A4-sized paper with 25 mm margins on all sides.
All text should be double-spaced (2.0 spacing) with 0 pt spacing before and after paragraphs.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified.
Sections should be separated by a single blank line.
3. Manuscript Structure
Title Page
Title: Lowercase letters except for the first letter; Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, left-aligned.
Running Title: Maximum 8 words/phrases.
Authors’ Names & Affiliations: Include full names, institutional affiliations, city, postal code, and country.
Corresponding Author: Provide email and cell phone number (with country code).
ORCID (if available): Provide ORCID links for all authors.
Abstract & Keywords
Abstract: Maximum 250 words, single paragraph, no references, tables, or figures.
Keywords: 3–6 keywords, distinct from the title for better indexing.
Main Sections
Introduction: Background, significance, research problem, and objectives.
Materials and Methods:
Provide sufficient details for reproducibility.
Mention ethical approvals, if applicable.
Include statistical models and data analysis methods.
Results and Discussion:
Results can be combined or separated from the discussion.
Avoid repeating numerical values already presented in tables/figures.
Concise summary addressing the study’s objectives.
Conflict of Interest:
Declare any financial, personal, or professional affiliations.
If none, state: “The authors declare no conflict of interest.”
Recognize individuals or organizations that contributed but do not qualify for authorship.
Alphabetical order, Animal Production Science citation style.
Include DOIs where available.
Use Mendeley or similar software for reference management.
4. Tables and Figures
Insert tables within the text, titled above the table.
Use Word’s table feature, not images or objects.
Place figure captions below the figures.
Submit figures in high-resolution formats (JPEG, PNG, TIFF).
5. Citation Style
Use the name-year citation format, e.g., (Oxelcen et al., 2021) or (White and Feitoza, 2022).
Follow Animal Production Science citation guidelines.
6. Submission Process
Submit manuscripts electronically in Word format.
Ensure all authors approve the final version before submission.
Check that all references are correctly cited and formatted.
For additional details, authors may refer to the official journal submission guidelines.